Fun Places to Go on Sunday: A Guide to Leisure Activities

A Sunday Scaries monster attends a football game showing fun places to go on Sunday

Sunday... that bittersweet day-of-rest that's perpetually marred by the impending doom of Monday Morning.

But don't trip out fellow sofa kings and queens, we've got a list of places that'll eliminate your boredom and prevent you from overthinking about your work responsibilities.

Whether you're looking to soak up the sun, indulge in the arts, or just escape from your family for a few hours (hey, no judgment), there's a Sunday sanctuary out there with your name on it.

Introduction: The Sunday Sanctuary

Welcome to our guide to leisure activities on Sundays. We know all too well the struggle of trying to make the most out of your last day off before heading back to the daily grind.

We've got you covered with some fun and quirky places that will brighten up your Sunday and leave you feeling refreshed for the week ahead.

Outdoor Destinations

Fresh air isn't just a luxury, it's like free therapy. Whether you're the rugged trailblazer type or the sand-between-your-toes dreamer, hitting the great outdoors on a Sunday is a dose of Vitamin N (for Nature).

1. Parks for the People

No, not your average grassy knoll, these are the Central Parks of your little confinements. Think picnics, people-watching, and maybe finally nailing that Frisbee backhand. Local parks might seem like a thing of the past in a post-COVID world where working-from-home and relaxing-with-Netflix run our lives. But most major cities have incredible parks that you rarely frequent. Get outside and check one out.

2. Sandy Escapes

Beaches are the Sunday stronghold for the sun worshippers and wave warriors. And the best part? When that golden hour hits just right, it's like Nature's Instagram filter. The ocean has a way of revitalizing you and if you're all about Gym-Tan-Laundry (GTL) then there's no better way to do it then laying out on the beach. Don't live on the coast? Well then choose a lake or just venture up to your rooftop pool.

3. Hiking Trails

For those who like their adventure more on the vertical side, hiking trails offer the kind of sweat equity that pays dividends in panoramic views and a few too many ‘grams of you doing that tree pose by the cliff edge. Hiking is amazing exercise and a great way to soak in nature vibes and feel accomplished before you settle down with that evening glass of beer or wine.

Cultural Explorations

Sometimes the soul craves a different kind of feast—art, history, and the preservation of human experience.

1. Museums: The Original Time Machines

Take a Sunday stroll through the annals of time with a museum visit. Feel small and awe-inspired in the presence of towering sculptures and artifacts, and maybe, just maybe, leave with the plot for the next great novel. Museums are perfect for detaching from the modern day stressors of reality and will help you get out of your own head and shed your own ego. Think you have it bad? Check out a war museum or see how humans lived during the dark ages.

2. Art Galleries

Every brushstroke tells a story, and there's nothing like a Sunday to listen. Galleries offer a quieter setting than museums, perfect for those who want to ponder the meaning of Starry Night without a child screaming bloody art history in the background. They're also a perfect place to take a date to show that you're cultured and that the NFL is not the only thing you devote your lift to on Sundays.

3. Historical Sites

History buffs, unite. On a Sunday, historical sites are your playground. With fewer crowds, you can fully immerse yourself in the past, and maybe step in the same dust as some dusty old emperor or whatever. At historical sites you can literally feel the history and the magical undertones of what took place there many many years ago. It puts the world into perspective and, again, allows you to detach from those mundane to-do lists and weekly recap emails.

Entertainment Venues

For those who prefer their leisure with a side of drama (no, not your family reunion, the other kind).

1. Movie Theaters

On a Sunday, catching a flick is a public service. You're not just saving yourself from another hour of existential crisis on the sofa; you're also feeding a proud American tradition—eating popcorn before 11 am. Modern movie theaters don't have you crammed in an uncomfortable seat in a room full of people like a can of sardines, now they have luxury lazy-boy chairs and come with full service food and beverage. Don't default to Hulu, head to your local movie theater early and maybe get some retail therapy at the mall it's in beforehand.

2. Concerts

If your pipes aren't needed (or legally recommended) on stage, a live concert might just inject the right level of bass into your day. Remember, air guitar is a contact sport, kids. And don't be afraid to let loose and dance like no one is watching. Because...well, they're not. They're there for the music just like you are. Concerts are a great way to escape reality and join forces with a collective group of people who all have the same interest. Heading to a rave or a show where substances are involved? Check out these ways to overcome Post-Concert Depression so your Monday doesn't suck as much.

3. Sports Events

For the more athletic spectator, a sports event can turn a quiet Sunday into a raucous rally. Who knew that bellowing "DE-FENSE" over a foam finger could be so cathartic? There's a reason why the NFL chose Sundays and Mondays as their hallmark days for broadcasting the games, it's the new opiate for the masses and a way for us to detach from our adulting obligations. The talent and hard work ethic of the players will also inspire you to dominate at work on Monday.

Family-Friendly Options

Ah, the double-edged sword of Sunday, when spending quality time with the family is not just expected, it's practically demanded.

1. Zoos

Zoos are the perfect place to bring your family on Sundays. They're fun and educational and a great way to chew up a couple of hours before you plunk back down on your couch. Zoos are also a great way to feel good about yourself for supporting their conservation and preservation efforts, while also getting some fresh air. Plus, they sell alcoholic beverages there. So you get your treat while your kids get cotton candy.

2. Amusement Parks

If thrills and spills are up your alley, an amusement park is always a good time. There's no better way to wear your kids down so they crash early on Sunday night and leave you and your significant other with some quiet time to watch a movie, or have a little fun, if you catch my drift. Convince your children to overcome their fears and ride the scariest ride, and then frame the photo of the whole family that gets taken at the highest drop on the roller coaster.

3. Family-Friendly Restaurants

Sometimes, the best way to spend Sunday is through your stomach. Opt for a family-friendly restaurant where the kids' menu is longer than War and Peace and the crayons just keep on coming. There are also hybrid restaurant and arcade restaurants with some pretty decent grub. As for the arcade, this isn't just for kids... test out your childhood backyard basketball skills and challenge your significant other in a contest of pop-shot.

Local Gems

For the adventurers and the eccentrics, there's gold in them thar local hills.

1. Unique Brunch Spots

Every town has a ‘spot.’ Whether it be overlooking the water, in an old hotel, or under a terrace on a rooftop, there's one in your city. If you're suffering from hangxiety then check out this list of the Best Food for Hangover Anxiety and grab what you can off the menu. Hair-of-the-dog person? Then opt in for bloody mary's or bottomless mimosas. They don't call it Sunday Funday for no reason... send it.

2. Hidden Treasures

Cutting through the sticky web of Sunday norm is the hidden treasure—a tiny book store, a secret garden, a speak-easy that serves the best mocktails this side of Prohibition. These hidden gems are perfect for when you just need to escape and explore on your own or with a few close friends. Plus, getting lost in the winding streets of your city can lead to some pretty cool discoveries. Who knows, maybe you'll find a new favorite spot to add to your Sunday routine.

3. Community Events

Sundays were made for community—farmer's markets, flea markets, garage sales or even church. These events are not only great for supporting local businesses and organizations, but they also give you a chance to meet new people in your community and maybe even make some new friends. Plus, who doesn't love finding a rare vintage item or trying out some homemade goodies? It's like a treasure hunt every Sunday.

How Going to Fun Places Affects the Sunday Scaries

A monster walks through the park showing how fun places affect Sunday Scaries

Each destination on this list offers a reprieve from the looming ‘back-to-business’ dread. They provide a mental and emotional cushion against the Sunday Scaries, erecting a fun-fueled barrier that staves off reality until the very last ray of Sunday sun sets.

If you work-from-home and stay inside all day on Sundays, this might seem relaxing, but it doesn't break up your work week and your body and mind will not be able to "reset" before the upcoming week.

The Sunday Scaries are a dreadful combination of work responsibilities, self-doubt and a hangover. Nursing the scaries on your couch might be the easiest way out, but if you head out for the day for some Sunday activities you'll get out of your own head and help shed the bad feelings much faster.

Nature, sunshine, community and leisure activities will be your best remedy.

How to Avoid Drinking to Have Fun on Sundays

The impulse to crack open a cold one is practically a Sunday tradition itself. But what if we told you there's a way to have beer-garden levels of fun without the Monday hangover?

Ditching the booze is becoming more-and-more of a trend in the United States. It's woven so deep into the fabric of our country that it's incredibly hard to avoid. Think about it by just reading the ideas we listed on this blog. Sporting events, concerts, amusement parks, and even the zoo... the all offer a drinking component that's hard to say no to.

This Sunday, if you want to decompress and de-stress without the hangover, try CBD gummies to give you a cool, calm feeling of relief. And if catching a buzz is a priority, then switch to THC gummies instead of the sauce. You'll save a ton of money, you'll laugh your ass off and you won't wake up on Monday feeling like you hit a train in your Range Rover.


In conclusion, if you’re looking to combat those dreaded Sunday Scaries without finding solace at the bottom of a mimosa glass or crafting an intricate escape plan from your own offspring at the zoo, we’ve laid out a pretty solid game plan for you.

From coercing yourself and your reluctant family members into the great outdoors to finding the most ridiculously child-friendly restaurant that’s practically a caricature of itself, there’s no shortage of ways to fool yourself into thinking you’re maximizing those precious Sunday hours.

But here's the kicker—whether you're opting to dodge hangxiety with quirky brunch spots that serve more types of avocado toast than there are days in the week, or wandering into a hidden bookstore that's probably a front for some whimsically eccentric secret society, you're tackling those Sunday Scaries head-on.

Who knew that the secret to not dreading Monday was stuffing your Sunday so full of activities that you forget tomorrow is the start of the workweek? So grab those THC gummies, laugh until you cry at something absurdly mundane, and remember: Monday is just Sunday's hangover, but at least you're facing it headfirst with a smile.

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